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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Joe & Samantha are Married! Leroy, NY Wedding Photos

I am SO happy for these two!  I met with Sam on April 5th and they tied the knot on April 13th...it was a quick, low-key, fun and absolutely amazing wedding.  Sam's "Grandpa" is the Judge in Leroy and it meant the world to Sam for him to marry them.  Sam was absolutely stunning in her black wedding gown.  After the ceremony, they braved the freezing cold wind for a quick shoot around town...they were really great sports!   Bob, thanks so much for helping me with all my gear.  It was an incredible afternoon and I couldn't be happier for these two.  They're definitely perfect for one another.  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks.  We'll start with the handsome groom, Joe seeing his beautiful bride walk in with her Daddy....


I can't wait for you to see them all!


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