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Monday, November 7, 2011

Laura & Jared are Getting Married! Stony Brook Engagement Photos!

Meet Laura & Jared!  These two are too cute.  :)  We drove all the way to Stony Brook for their wet, freezing, fun, and completely awesome e-shoot!  Laura was an awesome sport and even rocked tights under her jeans to keep warm! It was super slippery, we all almost bit it at least once.  (yep, picture me ever so gracefully sprawled out on a wet bridge...but at least only one random hiker lady saw...and the camera was safely held above my head!) But it was SO worth it.  We got a TON of really great shots!  :)  I'm really excited to design their engagement book...it's going to be absolutely gorgeous.  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks of this amazing couple.

 I told you they were too cute!  :)


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