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Monday, October 31, 2011

Dan & Erin are Married!!! Carlton/Kent Wedding

Dan and Erin had an incredible wedding day.  TONS of highs and a few lows (the nasty weather that forced the ceremony inside)..but they didn't let that little hiccup ruin the incredible fun of their day.  This group laughed all day long...I LOVED it.  Erin was absolutely gorgeous.  They had a sweet and simple fall themed day and we were blessed with some nice weather after the ceremony for the photos.  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks of Dan & Erin's GORGEOUS wedding day!

 Isn't she beautiful!!!?
 Dan & his Best Man before the ceremony!

 Erin with her Mom and Sister

 I was so excited about this little path...we got a TON of great images here!

 And Erin didn't mind climbing into the weeds for a few! :)  I love it when brides are willing to get a little adventurous to get some great shots.

 Huddled together for warmth!  Yep.  It was freezing.  But everyone just had fun with it!

 How cute is this wedding party?



Anonymous November 2, 2011 at 7:10 PM  

Great photos, love the candid shots. Dan and Erin hope you will always be as happy the rest of your lives as you were on your wedding day.

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