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Friday, August 5, 2011

The Wolcott Family ~ Brockport Family Photos

I met Doug in the Clarkson Post Office a few weeks before Christmas.  I came staggering in with a giant box full of little boxes. This great guy was in front of me, and we got to chatting.  Inside that box were Christmas presents for all of my 2010 wedding clients.  Hearing that I was a photographer, he immediately began to tell me all about his amazing family and how he didn't get to see them as much as he'd like, since they live out of state. It wasn't long after that I got a phone call scheduling this photo shoot for months later, when his family would all be in town.  It was a great privilege to photograph this beautiful family.  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks!

 Doug works at the Welcome Center, and he talked some people into letting us get a few photos on their boat!


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