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Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Special Blessing

Last night I had an incredible privilege.  I went out to Strong Memorial to photograph Jason & Julie's absolutely adorable little baby boy, Jacob.The little guy is having open heart surgery right now, and we've been praying for that sweet newborn all day.  Let me tell you, he is just the cutest little guy I've ever seen!

As a photographer, this is what it's all about.  Capturing life in it's highs and lows.  Immortalizing sweet memories so that people can relive those emotions in years to come.  It is such an amazing privilege.

I got there at the tail end of visiting hours, and I'm so thankful that the nurses didn't kick me out.  That extra grace was SO nice.  It was dark so I brought along one small light source.

I photographed Jason & Julie's wedding, then when they found out they were pregnant they signed up for my Belly to Birthday package...so I'm going to get to photograph this little guy as he grows! I'm so excited for this little guy to come home so we can do some natural light photos at his own house!  :)

So...say a prayer for Jacob and for his Mommy & Daddy.  Join me in praying for a successful surgery, for wisdom for the doctors, for a quick and complete recovery, and for peace and grace for Julie & Jason.

Here are a few Sneak Peeks from last night.


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