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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gorgeous Twin Girls! Brockport / Holley Baby Photography

I cannot tell you how excited I was to get a call from Angie, asking me to photograph her absolutely DARLING newborn baby girls!  You never know what will happen in a newborn shoot!  I was expecting sleepy, snuggly babies, and came to find feisty, sweet little girls who had no intention of laying on their tummies!  Baby Alexa was awake the whole 2 hours I was there!  I LOVED holding these two little Sweethearts and I am so happy for their wonderful Mommy & Daddy.  Whats even better is that I get to watch these little girls grow throughout the year, so you can keep your eyes out for their 3,6,9 month and birthday shoot to come this year!  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks of the beautiful Alexa and Brianna.  :)

 You can really tell how tiny baby Alexa is in this photo!
 This is one of my favorites.  :)
I can't wait for you to see them all!  :)


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