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Friday, November 11, 2011

Eric & Val are Married!!! Buffalo Wedding at St. Gabriels & Salvatore's Italian Gardens

Can I tell you how much I LOVE weddings?!?  Especially when two absolutely incredible people like Val & Eric are getting married.  These two are amazing.  With the help of family and friends they planned the wedding from Texas.  Val was stunningly gorgeous....and I know Eric thought so too!  They are super in love, had perfect weather, a really great bridal party, loving family, FUN reception & an all around beautiful wedding.  It doesn't get much better than that.  :)  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks!

 I told you she was gorgeous.  :)
How fun are these lovely ladies!?
 The Guys being Guys.  :)

 Right before the walk down the aisle.  *happy tear*

 priceless.  you can tell this guy loves his bride.

 Checking out the new bling!

 One of my favorites from the day.  :)

 How beautiful is this first dance?

 Getting LOW!

 Lots of love on this dance floor!  :)


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