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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tim & Elizabeth are Married!!! Blue Heron Hills Golf Club Wedding

Tim & Elizabeth had the most fun, most emotional, most beautiful wedding day!  These two couldn't be more perfect for one another.  Elizabeth was just stunning.  Their day was full of special moments and memories and Grandpa even MADE their wedding bands!  How cool is that?  Elizabeth's Dad restores old cars, so he had one all set for them...complete with the "Just Married" on the back window, so we had a blast with that!

There were many moments where pretty much everyone was crying and then seconds later laughing until they couldn't breathe.  It was that kind of day.  The kind of day where 2 families truly are joined together and celebrate long into the night.  The kind of day where love is just tangible.  The kind of day when best friends get married and look forward to the adventures ahead with complete joy.  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks...I cannot wait for you to see them all.

Elizabeth's Daddy gave her a bracelet

 Tim's Grandpa's hat
 First Look!  I just love Tim's expression.  :)

 Totally unposed.... this is just how adorable and in love these two are.

 Off to get married!
 Grandma's were the flower girls.

Grandpa's hands and the wedding bands he made for them.

 One of my favorites from the day.  Isn't she gorgeous!?!

 I love how everyone is laughing and crying at the same time

 That face says that he can't be trusted with that cake.....



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