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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Phil & Shana are Married!!! Burgundy Basin Inn Wedding

Phil and Shana had an incredible wedding!!!  These two are so sweet and SO much fun.  They had a beautiful outdoor ceremony and a super fun reception.  This was another perfect mix of laughter and tears.  Shana looked absolutely gorgeous.  Shana's little guy Aiden is super adorable and I loved how they made sure that he was such a huge part of their day.  It was so amazing to witness the making of a new family.  :)  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks!

 Isn't she gorgeous!!!
 Shana and her Momma sharing a moment. :)
 The ladies.

 We had some extra time, so I asked Shana to jump on her bed!  We had a blast and got some incredible shots.
 Off to the ceremony!
 How cute are these two?

 The guys being suave.

 Seeing his stunning bride for the first time
 Dad and Aiden walked the gorgeous Bride down the aisle
 The Kiss!  I love how Aiden decided to take a front row seat!

 Aiden and the flower girl took bubble blowing to another level!
 Look at those eyes!

 They had a super fun wedding party who were amazing sports...it was freezing!

 His Dad and brother played and sang their first dance.  "Better Together" by Jack Johnson.  It was awesome.
 Shana dancing with Aiden

These two had an amazing day and it was SUCH a privilege to be a part of it.  :)


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