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Friday, September 9, 2011

Stefanie~ Fitness Photos

Fitness photos are not something that I really have done before...but when I got the call from Stefanie, asking me to take some "after" photos for a competition she was in, I was super excited!  Neither of us had done professional fitness photos before, so we just got creative and had a great time. (even if we did get PAM spray everywhere!) We took the necessary images for the competition...then, since she's in the best shape of her life, we had some fun and got some really great images.  Stefanie is the owner of www.cougarfitnessclub.com ... you should definitely check it out!  We REALLY had a blast in this shoot and laughed the whole time.  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks! 
 Competition style image

 Stef with her super hot Porche Boxter!


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