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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Josh & Kim's Big Day... Community Bible Church, Porches of Pendleton, & Classics V

Here are the rest of Josh & Kim's Sneak Peeks!  It was soooo hard to pick just a few images...we got so many incredible shots of these two! (you can check out a couple of teasers right below this post) Kim was absolutely stunning, her girls both beautiful and fun, Josh & his guys were all suave, and (as usual for this crowd,) the guests were all a blast to be around and certainly know how to dance!  I am SO blessed to have been a part of this incredible day.  Enjoy!

 Kim reading a card from her Sweetheart right before the ceremony

 Kim & her Dad ... sharing a moment before they walk down the aisle

 How suave is this little guy!?!  

 I'm in love with the pink parasols!  

 How cool are these guys?
 The darling Flower Girl... lost in thought
 Josh loves trains, so we definitely had to do a couple of shots on the tracks

 First dance
 Party!  :)
 I can't wait for you to see them all!!!


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