Welcome to my blog!!! I'm so excited you're here. Feel free to browse, enjoy the sneak peeks, fun photos and some random ramblings! Also, don't be afraid to leave some love in the comments section. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas! Nate & Ann's Wedding Sneak Peeks!

Nate and Ann had a super fun, emotion-filled, absolutely gorgeous December wedding.  The wedding  party were amazing sports....as it was FREEZING out!  It was such an honor to capture this amazing day...we got so many great shots it was hard to pick just a few for the blog, so I'm giving you a ton!  Without further ado...Merry Christmas and enjoy the Sneak Peeks!


sliceoflime November 7, 2012 at 8:19 PM  

HI- Where were these taken?? Church & reception venue?

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