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Monday, September 19, 2011

Dale & Amber Are Married!!!

Can I tell you how much I LOVED this wedding?!?  I went to High School with Amber...so it was a huge privilege to photograph her amazing day.  She looked absolutely breathtaking.  :) Dale plays semi-pro football, so we went to the Barker HS football field for some photos.  It was so much fun.  These two are the sweetest couple and just a blast to be around.  Congratulations Amber & Dale!!! Enjoy the Sneak Peeks.  :)

Amber's Grandma's pearls.  :)

 I just adore this one.  Just look at his proud Mommy's face as her son sees his bride coming down the aisle.
 Amber and her Dad just before they walked down the aisle. LOVE!

 A quiet moment amidst the noise.

 Here are the much awaited football sneak peeks!

 I laughed out loud when I saw this one after the wedding.  LOVE it!  And I definitely love me some off-camera flash, even if it's a pain to haul around!

I think these two need to be poster size.  :)

 Sweet and beautiful first dance
 Dale showing off the killer Under Armour garter that Amber wore.

I can't wait for you to see them all!  :)


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